
2024-03-20 07:38


夏县司马光研学双角草属小镇产业园项目 | 山西重点招商项目2019—文化旅游业


核心提示:夏县司马光研学小镇产业园项目Xia County Simaguang Research Town Industrial Park Project一、项目名称:夏县司马光研学小镇产业园项目I. Project name: Xia county Simaguang research town industrial park project二、申报单位:夏县招商引资办公室II. Application unit: Xia county investment invitation office三、


Xia County Simaguang Research Town Industrial Park Project


I. Project name: Xia county Simaguang research town industrial park project


II. Application unit: Xia county investment invitation office


III. Project profile:


(I) Project content

1、项目建设条件:司马光温公祠位于夏县水头小晁村北的峨嵋岭上,1988年被确定为全国重点文物保护单位。景区现状占地面积10万余平方米,主要由温公祠堂、司马光祖坟、余庆禅院、神道碑楼和涑水书院五大部分组成,本项目将按照5A级景区的标准,对景区内容进行扩充延伸,完善基础设施,打造一个复合化的旅游区。yU6新疆招商 - 新疆维吾尔自治区招商发展局(经济技术协作办公室)

1. Project construction conditions: Simaguang Wengong shrine is located on Emei ridge north of the Xiaochao village in Shuitou of Xia county, and was identified as a national key cultural relic protection unit in 密花豆1988. The scenic area covers an area of more than 100,000 square meters. It is mainly composed of five parts: Wengong ancestral temple, Simaguang ancestral tomb, Yuqing Zen temple, Shinto monument building and Sushui academy. This project will expand and extend the scenic area according t再加上钢厂对内粉的采购意愿1直不高o the standard of the 5A scenic area, improve infrastructure, and create a complex tourism area. Investment promotion and development bureau of Xinjiang Uygur autonomou长萼堇菜s region镰果杜鹃 (economic and technical cooperation office)


2. Project construction content and scale: This project is a newly built project. The main construction contents are as follows: 1. The contents include Yuncheng youth research and learning base, Chinese traditional culture lecture hall, Mrs. Wei calligraphy and painting garden, Sima family banquet, cultural performance, etc. 2. Building a clean government culture park. The content includes the northern song dynasty history display, the clean government education base, conference center and so on. 3. Renovation and utilization of existing buildings. The temple was renovated and repaired for Yuqing temple, Wengong temple, temple of Buddha and Sushui academy.


(II) Project investment budget: The total investment is 1billion yuan, and the planned investment is 1billion ”Gerry表示yuan.


(III) Project supporting term: Completed project supporting facilities.


(IV) Marketing forecast and efficiency analysis:After the completion of the project, it will become the core landmark of Yuncheng Tourism, the colorful chapter of Shanxi tourism economic belt, the most influential Simaguang Humanistic tourism scenic area in Shanxi province, and the first 360-degree comprehensive cultural research town in China, which is dominated by virtue and politics culture, history culture, industrial art aesthetics and wine culture.


IV. Project process


(I) Policy: The project conforms to the national industrial policy and the industrial planning of Shanxi province;


(II) Approval (record) : Relevant procedures are being processed


(III) Land and environmental protection: The project complies with the national land policy and environmental protection regulations.


(IV) Project feasibility research report and project proposal: The project proposal is being prepared.


(V) Early-stage process: It is going through pre-project procedures.


V. Scheduled means of investment introduction: sole proprietorship


VI. Contact means of the applicant:

手 机:


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